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Mr. Kitty's "After Dark" Song Meaning

Updated: Nov 22, 2023

"After Dark" Song by Mr. Kitty

Mr. Kitty's "After Dark" is a synthwave song released in 2014. It quickly became a fan favorite and has been streamed over 100 million times on Spotify. The song's dark and mysterious lyrics have led to many interpretations of its meaning.

(Click play to hear the famous song of Mr. Kitty After Dark" in a Boxing edit)

"After Dark" Song Meaning

One possible interpretation is that the song is about a forbidden love affair. The singer and their lover are finally alone after dark, where they can freely express their passion. The lyrics "The night will hold us close and the stars will guide us home" suggest that the lovers feel safe and protected in the darkness of night.

Another interpretation is that the song is about a descent into darkness. The singer is drawn to the dark side of human nature, and they find a sense of freedom and liberation in it. The lyrics "I'm falling into the abyss, but I don't want to be saved" suggest that the singer is willingly embracing the darkness.

Ultimately, the meaning of "After Dark" is up to the listener to decide. The song's lyrics are open to interpretation, and there is no one right answer. However, the song's dark and mysterious atmosphere is undeniable, and it has captured the imaginations of listeners all over the world.

In addition to the two interpretations mentioned above, some fans have also suggested that the song is about:

  • A vampire love story

  • A cult ritual

  • A descent into madness

  • A journey to the afterlife

No matter what you interpret the song to be about, there is no doubt that "After Dark" is a powerful and evocative piece of music. It is a song that can be enjoyed on many levels, and it continues to resonate with listeners years after its release.

Mr. Kitty on the Song's Meaning

Mr. Kitty has himself said that the song is about "being alone in the dark and feeling the freedom to be yourself, without judgment or expectation." He has also said that the song is about "embracing the darkness within yourself."

These comments suggest that the song is about self-acceptance and self-discovery. The darkness of night can be a time of reflection and introspection, and it can also be a time to let loose and be your true self. "After Dark" is a song about celebrating the dark side of human nature, and finding freedom in the darkness.


Lyrics Breakdown

Verse 1

I see you, you see me

How pleasant, this feeling

The moment you hold me

I missed you, I'm sorry

The first verse introduces the two lovers and their deep connection. They are finally reunited, and the singer is filled with joy. The lyrics "I missed you, I'm sorry" suggest that the lovers have been through some challenges, but they are now back together and stronger than ever.


As the hours pass

I will let you know

That I need to ask

Before I'm alone

How it feels to rest

On your patient lips

To eternal bliss

I'm so glad to know

The chorus is the most mysterious part of the song, and it is open to many interpretations. One possible interpretation is that the singer is finally ready to confess their love to their lover. They have been waiting for this moment for a long time, and they are now ready to take the next step in their relationship.

Another possible interpretation is that the singer is asking their lover to help them explore the dark side of human nature. They are drawn to the darkness, but they are also afraid. They need their lover's guidance and support as they embark on this journey.

Verse 2

We're swaying to drum beats

In motion, I'm feeling

My patience controlling

The question, I won't speak

We're telling the stories

Our laughter, he knows me

We're leaving, we're talking

You're closer, it's calming

The second verse shows the lovers enjoying each other's company. They are dancing, laughing, and talking. The singer feels safe and loved in their lover's presence. The lyrics "he knows me" suggest that the lover has a deep understanding of the singer.


The night will hold us close and the stars will guide us home

I've been waiting for this moment, we're finally alone

I turn to ask the question, so anxious, my thoughts

Your lips were soft like winter, in your passion, I was lost

The bridge builds to the climax of the song. The lovers are finally alone, and the singer is about to confess their love. They are anxious, but they are also excited. The lyrics "in your passion, I was lost" suggest that the singer is completely captivated by their lover.


As the hours pass

I will let you know

That I need to ask

Before I'm alone

How it feels to rest

On your patient lips

To eternal bliss

I'm so glad to know

The chorus repeats at the end of the song, and the singer finally confesses their love to their lover. They are now ready to embark on a new journey together, into the darkness and beyond.

Overall, the lyrics of "After Dark" are a beautiful and evocative exploration of love, darkness, and self-discovery. The song is open to many interpretations, and each listener will find their own meaning in it.


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