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Life Hacks on How to be Charismatic (Traits and Gestures) ∙ Self-Help ∙ Self-Development Tips

Updated: Jan 20, 2023

Charisma Person ∙ Life Hack

Here are traits and gestures on how to be more charismatic:

Charisma is the ability to attract and influence others through charm, confidence, and presence. It's a combination of personal characteristics and behaviors that make people want to be around you and be influenced by you. Here are some tips to help you develop and enhance your charisma:


Be Confident

Confidence is a key ingredient of charisma. When you are confident, you exude a sense of self-assurance and conviction that makes people want to follow your lead. Confidence also allows you to be more relaxed and at ease in social situations, which can make you more approachable and likable.

Be Positive and Optimistic

People are naturally drawn to those who have a positive outlook on life. Charisma is often associated with being optimistic, enthusiastic, and having a "can-do" attitude. By being positive and optimistic, you can create a sense of energy and excitement that can be contagious.

Be Empathetic

Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. When you are empathetic, you can connect with people on a deeper level, which can make them feel understood and valued. By being empathetic, you can create a sense of trust and rapport that can make you more charismatic.

Be a good listener

Being a good listener is an essential part of being charismatic. When you listen actively and show interest in what others have to say, you can create a sense of connection and understanding that can make people feel valued and respected.

Be Authentic

Charisma is often associated with being genuine and authentic. When you are true to yourself and your values, you can create a sense of trust and credibility that can make you more charismatic. Being authentic also means being comfortable in your own skin and not trying to be someone you're not.

Be Passionate

People are naturally drawn to those who are passionate about what they do. When you are passionate about something, you exude a sense of energy and excitement that can be contagious. By being passionate, you can create a sense of purpose and drive that can make you more charismatic.

Be well-spoken

Charisma is often associated with being well-spoken. Being able to articulate your thoughts and ideas clearly and effectively can help you build credibility and make you more persuasive.

Be a Leader

Charisma is often associated with leadership. A charismatic leader is someone who can inspire and motivate others to achieve a common goal. By being a leader, you can create a sense of vision and purpose that can make you more charismatic.


The "open palm" gesture

This involves holding your hands open, with your palms facing upwards, to show that you have nothing to hide and are being honest and transparent.

The "leaning in" gesture

This involves leaning towards the person you're speaking with, to show that you are actively engaged and interested in what they have to say.

The "head nod" gesture

This involves nodding your head while someone is speaking to show that you are listening and engaged.

The "power pose" gesture

This involves standing or sitting in a confident and assertive stance, with your shoulders back and your head held high. This can help to project confidence and authority.

The "mirroring" gesture

This involves mirroring the body language of the person you are speaking with, such as crossing your legs or arms when they do. This can help to create a sense of rapport and connection.

The "touch" gesture

This involves using appropriate touch, such as a handshake or pat on the back, to create a sense of trust and connection.

The "smile" gesture

This involves smiling to create a positive and friendly atmosphere, it is also contagious and can influence the person you're interacting with to smile back.


Charisma is not something that you're born with, it's something that can be developed and enhanced over time. By following these tips, you can improve your ability to attract and influence others and become more charismatic. Remember, Charisma is not about being perfect, it's about being genuine, confident and authentic in your interactions with others.

"Charisma is the transference of enthusiasm." - Ralph Archbold


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